It was day of shock, shame and the informal birth of The Great Awakening
Why, in September 2018, well BEFORE the 2018 midterm elections, would President Donald J. Trump feel compelled to sign EO 13848 into law? Either he was clairvoyant, or he had access to military intelligence & credible evidence.

Have you ever paused to consider the profound juxtaposition of the following two indisputable truths?

After hearing Ruby’s police body-cam audio confession, please see her Instagram post, below.

In which America should an acting President publicly honor two confessed felons, awarding a Mother/Daughter treason duet with the second-highest civilian award in the United States, on the somber 2-year anniversary of an “election” certified by 389 politcians who ignored evidence of Acts of War against the US after being formally notified?

If interested in watching all of Georgia’s own Ruby Freeman’s complete police body cam admissions revealed in the Georgia ballot scanning scandal, click here. The Georgia Record did a remarkable job of investigative journalism!
Please remember, and pray for, every American citizen, patriot, veteran, mom and dad still being imprisoned in roach-infested, Washington, DC, prison cells, while the father of the world’s most infamous crackhead still on Ukraine’s payroll, honors two Georgia felons that helped him illegally occupy our White House.
Lastly, please take special notice of the fawning mainstream media as they celebrate Joe, Kamala, Ruby and Shaye, like barking seals on a beach. Never forget all these events occurred under the “watchful” eye of Georgia GOP Governor, Brian Kemp.