An Awakened America

An Awakened America

My fellow Americans, our time is now. We have seen enough, we know enough, and we’ve had enough. Our hearts, minds, souls, families and communities are under assault. Forces beyond our sight and control are imposing their will on us, without our consent. We know in our bones we’re under attack spiritually, politically, economically, legally and psychologically. Common sense is being […]

Time We Detox America

Time We Detox America

How does resident Biden or his goon squad administration have any credibility or authority to demonize citizens untrusting of election integrity in America, Brazil, or anywhere else on earth? These are the “trusted authorities” leading, legislating and regulating the creation of our brand new monetary system, while laptops from hell are ignored, CCP Infiltration continues, […]

Our Goebbels Delusion

Our Goebbels Delusion

How has our world been deceived into believing the 2% = the 50%? By AI (artificial intelligence) amplification & monetization of Bot Farm Programming engineered by governments, politicians, NGOs and unelected PSYCHOPATHS with unlimited access to fiat money & “social media” platforms which are, in reality, covert front organizations for government intelligence agencies. Look no […]